A message from Gaza Oct 24: Samir

An image from the play Live and Let Live created and performed by Samir’s students


Yesterday, October 24, we opened a Zoom room for teachers across Palestine to join us and share their stories if they could. Nobody in Gaza had internet strong enough to connect but  Samir sent this message.

Gaza is here, in spite of all the atrocities, in spite of all the massacres, in spite of all the bloody crimes. Gaza is here.

No matter how many thousands will sacrifice, Gaza is here.

The price we pay now will pay off one day. Freedom is never given, it is won. We have lost many good people who once had dreams and hopes, they did not die for nothing. They died for a reason, and we will continue for the same reason, and if we die, our children and the next generation will fight for this reason.

We will never give up or stop till the hope of having our country become free  comes true. Please thank all the free people who stand with us in Gaza on behalf of me, thank them for everything they say and do. We are so proud of you and you are our window to the whole worid. Keep us in your thoughts. Thank you.
