A message from Gaza Oct 24: Rinan


Teachers Rinan & Jasmine’s 2022 prizewinning intercultural play Welcome to Earth.

Yesterday, October 24, we opened a Zoom room for teachers across Palestine to join us and share their stories if they could. Nobody in Gaza had internet strong enough to connect but  Rinan sent this message.

To all the decent people in this world, l appeal to you to take action immediately. We are living daily massacres committed towards our children, our innocent civilians. l myself evacuated with my family to a hospital where thousands people are there seeking safety though there's none. I am not going to describe what is happening on the ground coz pictures have said enough. l am an eye witness of my people’s suffering. I appreciate what you, my friends in the HUP and other noble people are doing now. l receive messages of support from you. These ones give me strength to go on with this nightmare. Plz keep supporting us. Keep praying for us. keep believing in how great our children are and how amazing our house, Palestine is.
