A video exchange with Japan?

A few days ago I received an email from Masako Moriwaki,  a teacher of English in Japan.Masako used to teach English in Brazil and when she was there we arranged several live link ups between her Brazilian teenage students and students of a similar age in Gaza. One of these sessions were coordinated through Zoom by Filip, a long term HUP volunteer, who lives in Serbia. You can read about Filip's experience of this link up here.Masako's studnets went on to do lots of project based learning around the Hands Up Project, and organised several fund raising events including a Palestinian food evening, and a Haloween party. You can read about this here.Now Masako is interested in linking her younger learners in Japan with children of a similar age in Palestine. By way of an introduction, here are some videos that the Japanese children have already made - about drama, about cookery and and about karate. When the new semester starts in Palestine how about helping your students make some similar videos to send to them. This could also lead to doing a live link up with the children there.  Please let us know if you'd like to be involved and we can start organising it.https://youtu.be/xUlqnAVVeIk https://youtu.be/NBH1HNW7lKI https://youtu.be/3M8SqTYXt0Q https://youtu.be/QlA_8I7i4sg https://youtu.be/pCu3lzzoLrU
