If you SEE something, then SAY something! (NOW!!)


Can drama help to spread awareness about atrocities that are being committed around the world? Can it help to develop our collective emotional intelligence and our sensitivity towards others? Can it help to heal this broken, sinking world?

I don’t know….. but we can try.

One person who’s trying is Remote Theatre specialist in Gaza, Amal Mukhairez. The powerful play created and performed by her students ‘See Something, Say Something’ is a play about bullying, in all its shapes and forms. It ends with this line..

“You too, take a stand! Do you know what? Bullying is not only about hurting people. Countries can also bully each other. Always be up-standers, not by-standers”

Since yesterday afternoon, the people of Gaza have been heavily bombed by the most powerful army in the world. A five year old child and other men, women and children have been murdered, and people’s homes have been destroyed. And we can only begin to imagine about the long term impact on the collective mental health of children living through this kind of terror?

We can’t expect the mainstream media to say something about this, so now it’s down to us. Always be upstanders, not bystanders!