Palestine calling


Students of all ages in Palestine restart their connections with volunteers around the world

Palestine-Nigeria  3735 km

Palestine-Iran 1735 km

Palestine-Morocco 3,985 km

Palestine-Spain  3591 km

Palestine-UK 3971 km

Palestine-Brazil 10,583 km

Palestine-Ecuador 12,329 km

Palestine-California 2,254 km

It’s always good to start with a few facts and figures even if I can’t vouch 100% for their accuracy.  But I think you get the general idea.  These are the distances currently being bridged by teachers in Palestine and Hands Up volunteers around the world.  And with class sizes averaging 40 children, that’s upwards of 400 children give or take a few smaller classes

Science students from Ramallah chatted to a volunteer in Spain.  Grade 9 students in North Gaza had their first meeting with Maryam in Iran looking at Iranian palaces and some mouthwatering Iranian dishes.  Students from Jabalia Prep School C met a Royal Cobra snake called Lola and Toothless, the Crested gecko.  One very Hungry Caterpillar made an appearance at a storytelling session in Hebron. East Gaza students were the protagonists in a storytelling activity based on their English for Palestine coursebook.    One word theatre took place in Beit Hanoun with kids aged 8 & 9, something of a miracle given that there was no sound on the Palestinian end!  Ingenuity always wins out in our sessions.

Something for everyone. Something for all ages.   If you’re a good listener,  if you like people,  if you like being told you’re beautiful by kids who mean it,  if you enjoy developing a relationship with someone you may never meet but who always greets you with enthusiasm, if you’re open to new experiences and willing to learn from an expert on the other side of a computer screen, if you have a class who’d like to meet some kids on the other side of the world, then this is for you . If you want to add your country to that list above and travel thousands of km on a weekly basis, get in touch at: