Poems from pictures


I was  disappointed not to be able to go to the Palestine Expo which took place at the Queen Elizabeth centre in the heart of London, this weekend. This was a huge event, expected to be attended by up to 10.000 people, celebrating Palestinian culture including music, cookery, storytelling and other spoken word events. I'd planned to go but at the last minute something came up and I couldn't make it. I hope it was a huge success. 

So, talking of Palestinian culture, here is a painting by the 17 year old Palestinian artist, Malak Mattar. I used this painting for the poetry writing competition that I launched in my regular column for IATEFL voices magazine. It was open to young learners of English anywhere in the world and the task was to write a poem inspired by the painting of maximum 50 words. Unfortunately there wasn't space in my column to publish all of the entries so I'm publishing them all here instead (in no particular order). I hope you enjoy them and if, like me and all the entrants, you feel inspired by this painting then please feel free to write your own poem in the comments below.

1) Moon girl by Natalia Tamas, Hungary

Everyone looks at her like a Bright Star

She sits on a furry chair Like she is a beauty of art

She flicks her hair which twisted in the air

She wants to be a person like you

But everyone knows that she is called the Moon.


2) Mission impossible

by Artemis Kyriakou and Ioustina Louzi -Greece

I paid for the blood

I painted "freedom and peace"

Was it all useless?


3) by Waed al Sufi, Gaza

When the moon appears We sit to read

When the sky is black we read a lot of stories

When the moon appears we read and read

Under the sky we read and read--

4) Sleepless night by Enachescu Octavia - Romania

The sun has said its final goodbye

Now a lone light in the night sky.

Two pale blue eyes shining in wonder

Waiting for sleep to finally find her.

A raven haired beauty, alone in the night

A single book to save her till daylight. 


5)  by Nasam Younis, Gaza

I can see moon and the light

One day I'm go to fly

One day when heaven calls my name

One day I go to fly away

One day I will see your eyes again

I lay down and close my eyes at night

I can see moon and the light


6) Twilight's colors by Enachescu Octavia - Romania

The moon is shining oh so brightI

t's wonder lighting up the night.

For a lonely girl for who to rewrite her story, once painted black and white

Now in the colours of twilight. 


7) A lonely angel by Enachescu Octavia - Romania

A lonely girl, wishing in the nightHer eyes shining in the moonlight,A single book forgotten in her hand.She's dreaming they would reunite,Soon, in a city of light.For it was love at first sight,Now a lonely princess, waiting for her knight


8) A hope for mankind by Enachescu Octavia - Romania

The moon is lighting up her eyes

As the last ray of sunlight dies.

Her smile and heart are shining bright

Hoping that she could rewrite

A word filled with hate and lies. 


9) Madam Rose's lecture by Canache Ioana-Andreea, Romania

Madam Rose's reading a book

Under white moon's clear look.

Madam Rose reads during the night

About brave knights who fight!

Madam Rose's reflecting deeply

About time passing inevitably.

About knights' flashing sharp swords

Turning into society's venomous words!


10) by Canache Ioana-Andreea, Romania

Sparkly black pearls wander through the galaxy,

Maybe they belong up there.

She doesn't even know why,

But her eyes shine like stars,

Will her beauty wilt like roses,

Will her eyes die when Sun rises?

Beautiful Anastasie with strings of darkness flowing as her hair..

She reads a novel down the stairs.


11) A different world by Petra Romana, Romania

A book is a window to a different place

Where your mind can also wander and create

Once you open it there’s no turning back

It will keep you awake and trapped

Inside a world of beautiful and new

Where everything is both lovely and cruel

Words that you read from a book.


12) by Feda Al Sufi, Gaza

Under the clear sky, luminous stars and light moon sat a girl,

a beautiful girl, reading a book to learn and educate

to be great to get her freedom.

Under the moon, sat a girl.


13) by Ghaidau Tayseer Abu, Gaza

As if the book in your hands shines with the glint of your eyes too dim

I will make reading a language to shout to all of Palestine

I will look at the moon for nights and days until I remember the spectrum that passed it